As part of the commitment to enhance the quality of life for all communities where it operates, SGG had conducted the SCG Sharing the Dream Scholarship Programme for 3 year in Myanmar collaborate with Myanmar Business Executives Association (MBE) in Myanmar and will host this year scholarship award ceremony, “SCG Sharing the Dream Scholarship 2015” for the fourth consecutive year in order to offer scholarships to high school students in public school in Myanmar. This year, SCG plants to grant 100 scholarships to students based in both Yangon and Mon State, making a total of 200 Scholarships. The recipients shall be recruited based on their need for financial support in addition to good academic performance as well as their gratitude and enthusiasm to acquire knowledge and the chance to future education. The ceremonies offering the scholarships was held on two occasions: Thursday 10 September 2015 In Yangon at IBC and Monday 14 September2015 in Mawlamyine at Strand Hotel.